Amorphous+ version 2.1 patch
**Warning: These notes contain some spoilers concerning later-game content!**
-Bug/Glitch Fixes-
*Several typos corrected, most of them in the Reward text
*The Dualist Award is no longer being awarded posthumously
*Amalgams can no longer slow down to the point that they move backwards (funny though that was)
*The Armor will now kill a Razor Mite in a collision
*Horror seeds no longer mutate the Razor Queen into a Biter... that was ridiculous
*Void Eaters behave less-strangely when jarred by distant explosions
*Some erroneous death animations playing at the wrong times have been removed
*Grays now react defensively to the Saw Drone
*Queens react with more caution toward the Razor Glaive
*Horrors are no longer killed by heavy blades (Queen claws, most notably)
*The recharge time on the SCAER has been reduced slightly
*Collision zones on the larger enemies (Oozles, Grays, etc) have been widened
-New Features-
*The Next Song button ('n' on the keyboard) now cycles through the songs in order instead of randomly, allowing the player to find a specific song. Eventually.
*A counter has been added to the Award Case so that you can immediately see how many Awards you've acquired
*At 25 Awards, players will now unlock Hardcore Mode. This mode removes the gradual addition of new types of enemies, and instead brings in all enemy types at the beginning
Hardcore mode, I didn't think of that. Nice!
innocuousGames (Updated )
By popular request! Now you can get right into the thick of it if you like. Good luck!